The minivan we had borrowed from my parents bumped up and down on the service road. It wasn’t glamorous transportation, but we did have a spectacular view. The sun sent out its golden rays to cover every last blade of grass covering the rolling hills. Everything felt quite magical. Libby and Stephen had left their car at the Rednal Retreat House and were riding with us through the scenic drive. We were starting to get to know more about them and their story question after question. Then Stephen told us a story that left our jaws on the ground.
When he was a student at Pitt, he was in ROTC. For reasons out of his control, he wasn’t able to continue, and instead of being devastated, he decided to use his newly found freedom to study abroad in Germany. It was there in Germany while studying abroad that Stephen and Libby first met. When they returned to Pitt they began dating, and as the saying goes, the rest is history. What began as a sad event for Stephen—not being able to continue with ROTC—turned into God showing him his vocation with Libby. God is incredible like this, of course, but it’s so easy to forget! Their story seriously had us saying “whoa” and thinking of Romans 8:28: “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him.” Stephen was obviously upset by his circumstances, but God had a plan and His plan was SO good!
Libby and Stephen, you two already feel like old friends of ours. We love the joy and simplicity you bring and found it so wonderful to spend time with you. Although we love engagement sessions, they are really only a peek at your relationship. Your wedding day reveals so much more, and we are so ready and excited to capture those moments for you. We loved spending extra time with you at dinner after our session hearing about your friends and family, and we can’t wait to meet everyone and celebrate both of you with all of them! Until then, we are praying for you!
Amy and Kyle