The warm weather and sun drew many pilgrims to the Grotto. It being such a familiar spot for all of us, we were able to work our way around the crowds to quiet locations. This wasn’t a typical, high-energy engagement shoot. We were able to get most of our conversations in over lunch before the session. Instead, this was a more quiet and prayerful shoot. We visited various shrines that hold important significance to Gloria and Sean and captured snippets of their love in the various locations. It was a beautiful day, but one location in particular really took our breath away.
Gloria and Sean were kneeling side by side at the base of the Calvary scene. This shot is so familiar for us because we capture a photo like this at every wedding Mass when the priest elevates the consecrated host. This was, however, the first time we shot this photo with an actual visual image of Calvary. It’s like every talk ever given on marriage came to life at the moment we pressed the shutter. Two people, both faithful Catholics, both striving to grow closer to God, both striving to be more like Christ, working to achieve all of this side-by-side. If there was ever an image to represent marriage, I think this is it.
Gloria and Sean, shooting your engagement session at the Grotto was one of our favorite sessions to date. We’re sure a big piece of that joy comes from how much we love the Grotto ourselves, and to share that with you was awesome. Your photos give us a striking reminder of the importance of prayer between engaged and married couples. God will always give the needed grace for your marriage to lead you to Heaven, and the saints are eager to intercede for you. Our hope is that your engagement photos will be a constant reminder of this reality for you both. We’re so excited to celebrate with you on your wedding day, and, hopefully, to revisit some of these locations with you on that day when you become husband and wife.