The late afternoon sun shone brightly on the water. Boats made their casual journey from one side of the bay to the other. From benches and from the walking path, passersby watched the water’s waves move. The breeze was cool, the sun, hot. The tree’s green leaves were just beginning to show spots of orange and red. You could feel the summer stepping aside to make room for the fall. We stood in the shade of the Concord Point Lighthouse. It was tall and white, and it added the most beautiful touch of character to the shoreline. This place would be totally average without it, but with it the park looks extraordinary. In the shade of the lighthouse, we asked Paul and Jenna about their engagement. We quickly learned that their story has its own “lighthouse” of sorts; like the lighthouse adding character to the park, Jenna and Paul’s tradition of writing letters to each other on their month anniversaries adds a beautiful touch of character to their story…including their engagement.
Paul suggested to Jenna that they visit Malvern Retreat House and walk the trail on the property. Jenna enthusiastically agreed! When they arrived, Paul let out his rehearsed sigh. He had “forgotten to bring Jenna’s card.” Could you believe his misfortune? Jenna didn’t mind, and proceeded to give Paul the card she had written for him. They went about their date and followed the trail to the Marian grotto on campus. There they were able to have some quiet prayer. Paul spent his time in prayer storming heaven for reassurance. He was about to ask Jenna a very big and important question. Paul opened his prayer bag that contains all of his study materials, and believe it or not his letter to Jenna was there! Apparently he had remembered it after all 😉 He handed the letter to Jenna, and once she finished reading it, he assured her that every word was true, and then he asked her to marry him. Believe it or not she didn’t say yes! But she said “of course,” and we think that counts just fine!
Jenna and Paul, we are so very grateful that our paths crossed and that we’ve been blessed with the opportunity to shoot your engagement and wedding. You both have the light of Christ shining through you so brightly! We were immediately comfortable with you, and you had us laughing from the start. The hardest thing for us now is waiting until this time next year to see you again! Ugh! We will spend the next year praying for you both and for your relationship. It’s tempting to think that life is on pause until you’re married, but that’s not true! We encourage you to live in the transition of this next year. God is present here and now, and he has graces to give you during this stage of your life. We are just so excited about where you are now, and where God is leading you!
In Christ,
Amy and Kyle