Fall at the Grotto is beautiful. The white statues pop off the colorful backdrop made of leaves. The air is crisp and it feels amazing to be outside. The silence of the season is obvious. All of nature is quieting itself for the oncoming winter, and the silence enters into the hearts of the pilgrims on the mountain, too. Emma and Franke shared with us their ideas and vision for their wedding, and the one transition they are waiting for before their wedding: Emma’s confirmation. It’s important to both of them to have Emma confirmed first, and they too are entering into a season of waiting as she prepares to receive one sacrament, and then they both receive another.
It’s so true that everyone needs to eventually step into the faith on their own initiative. Our parents, Godparents, siblings, family, friends, priests, and neighbors get us to the threshold of faith, but it’s up to us, with the grace and help of God, to walk through the door. Seeing the way Emma and Franke are preparing for their wedding and knowing that Emma’s confirmation is on their wedding “to-do” list shows what type of marriage they are preparing for and hoping for. One that is full of God’s love and grace through His sacrament. A marriage that takes three to succeed: Emma, Franke, and God.
Emma and Franke, you two are such a lovely complement to one another and you’re so fun to be around. We were so inspired by your faithfulness and plans for a holy marriage. It was fun to see the similarities in our relationships, too, with Franke and Kyle being more likely to see that things are taken care of and Emma and Amy being more willing to just figure it out later. It’s such a treat to be married to someone who processes things so different because we’re always keeping each other on our toes and helping the other person where they are weak and being carried where they are strong. We’re so excited about your wedding! Thank you for choosing us to be your photographers!!!
In Christ,
Amy and Kyle