Emily and Justin are getting married during the Christmas octave. This is a pretty cool fact in and of itself, but as we talked about their wedding date during their engagement session, we found out some more fun things. They were picking a date for their wedding and realized that Sunday, December 31st, is the feast of the Holy Family, and so a wedding date of Saturday, December 30th, was an obvious choice for them.
Since Emily and Justin will be established as a family on their wedding day, the feast occurring the next day will show them an example of what their family should strive to be like. Each member of the Holy Family—Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—have their own feast days throughout the year, but the feast of the Holy Family celebrates their life together. They model what it looks like to love God, to pursue individual holiness, and to selflessly love one another. Of all the devotions we have as Catholics, this one is of great importance, especially for newlyweds!
Emily and Justin, we are so excited for you! Seeing the two of you together, it’s clear that you bring each other a lot of joy. As you continue to love one another and follow the example of the Holy Family, that joy will continue to grow. One thing to know about marriage is that it takes work to succeed. This isn’t a new concept, and it’s not meant to scare you. You’ve already been putting work into your courtship to make it succeed. Marriage brings new joys and challenges as your lives become one, but the example set by the Holy Family and by holy marriages around you will guide you as you figure it out for yourselves. We’re so excited to see how your marriage grows!
In Christ,
Amy and Kyle