DC is a quiet city at 6 in the morning. At the start of Claire and Patrick’s engagement session, the pink morning sky stretched widely across the historical buildings and monuments. A few zealous souls climbed up and down the stairs of the Jefferson Memorial, getting in that daily cardio, but for the most part, we felt alone in the beautiful silence of the DC morning. When a couple meets and marries in DC it is unlike anywhere else for us. The DC suburbs were our home for the first four years of our marriage, and though we much more consider ourselves to be country folk (hence why we moved away from the city last year), we still love DC and all of the magic it contains for those who call it home.
As the sun consistently lit the clear sky, Claire and Patrick were hand-in-hand. We photographed them walking with the Washington Monument in the background, and in the back of our minds, we thought about how DC is the city where they met. Well, mostly. They met during social events at their church, St. Matthew, but back when things were still virtual. Patrick had a crush on the pretty girl from the Zoom meetings, but Claire didn’t see poor Patrick, who was stuck on the second page of faces on her Zoom screen. Nevertheless, the affections soon became mutual and Patrick asked Claire to marry him at St. Matthew a few months later.
To see the love that they have for one another now, and the joy that they share as they plan their wedding, we can’t help but be amused by God’s creative ability to do His work in the most unfortunate circumstances. Claire and Patrick were meant for the other’s vocation, and the Holy Spirit led them to meet despite the weird and unfamiliar circumstances we all were in with Covid shutdowns. God’s work continues on through it all, as Claire and Patrick will be married in a couple of weeks, and it all started when he noticed her at an event over Zoom.
Claire and Patrick, we are very excited to celebrate your marriage with you and your friends and family. Just from seeing the way you clearly love one another during your engagement session, we know that your wedding is going to be amazing. We felt like quick friends during your session and think you’re both wonderful. As you continue with the last couple of weeks of planning, remember to take time to pause and enjoy one another. Marriage is the greatest gift, and we’re so excited to follow along with your story and see all of the good that God does for you!
Amy and Kyle