As we pulled into the Grotto parking lot, we were one of the only cars there. We’re used to the grounds being packed, but this was late on a Friday, nearing close, and most pilgrims were gone for the day. Bridget and Tom arrived and Amy helped Bridget make a few last-minute decisions about jewelry, and then Tom went to grab something they left in the car. He came back holding two beautiful rosaries. A friend enjoys the hobby of making rosaries and made these particular rosaries for Bridget and Tom as a gift when they got engaged. They had brought them along for their engagement photos and we were delighted.
When you think about statues and paintings of Saint Michael the Archangel, he is always yielding his weapon of choice: the sword. In doing so, he visually tells the story of his strength in battle. We love that Bridget and Tom’s engagement photos also showcase their own weapon of choice. The rosary is a visual reminder of the prayer that is happening behind the scenes, sustaining the couple and their soon-to-be marriage.
Bridget and Tom, it was so peaceful to spend time with you! We love the rosary and we’ve seen God work in big ways concerning our rosary intentions. Having prayer be a central part of your relationship is the best thing you can do to set yourselves and your marriage up for success! No matter what we do in a given day, we know that it will always end the same way: with our family rosary. It’s a foundation for us, and we love to see you using this prayer weapon, too! We will continue to pray for you throughout your engagement and cannot wait to see you step into the fullness of your vocation on your wedding day!
In Christ,
Amy and Kyle